Alba and Langhe hills are ready to live grape harvest! How? Ma per le vie del borgo E’ una luna da vigna. dal ribollir de’ tini Da bambino credevo che i grappoli d’uva va l’aspro odor dei vini li faccia e li maturi la luna. l’anime e rallegrar [Cesare Pavese] [Giosuè Carducci] Autumn is here and with its colors and its scents remind us that the grape harvest is coming. Must’s aroma in the air and industrious grape pickers among the vineyards and the impassioned colors of our charming Langhe. The grape harvest has a symbolic meaning for the farmers, the grape, cultivated with passion and care for all the year, is picked and take to the wine cellar to be transformed in wine. The grape harvest has an important cultural and anthropological meaning especially in the past times where the families and the different generations got together to face this hard work and celebrate together with a luxurious and special feast prepared for the occasion. Maybe nowadays the grape harvest is not that familiar celebration anymore but without any doubts, it remains the nucleus of the wine production. The moment in which from the grape we finally obtain, without hurry, the wine. Grape harvest takes place between September and the first days of November, it can be affected by different causes, for example, the different types of grapes or climate conditions. The weather has
Alba and Langhe hills are ready to live grape harvest! How?