Slow Days Contact

Our addresses

Email or fill out the Request Form for reservations, request information, and quotes.

Why do you NOT find the phone number for SlowDays on this page?

SlowDays has chosen to communicate only by email for several reasons

  • We have to give an order to the requests that arrive: we don’t think it’s fitting that a customer who calls takes away attention or has priority over another who has written an email.
  • Our tours are organized in close collaboration with our partners, who are human like us and not machines! So, even if we try to give the products a standard form, there is always craftsmanship in tuning, verification, and adjustment. On the phone, we can rarely give “on the fly” the answers you are looking for, but we prefer to verify them.
  • We are very few operators, and we work remotely. If one of us is talking to a customer on the phone, keeping track of what was said isn’t very easy.
  • We give our heart and soul to SlowDays, but it’s essential that we also preserve a few bits of private life without a phone ringing at any time, work or otherwise.
  • Finally, we believe that the written form also protects the client’s interests regarding the agreement.

We understand that some people may feel uncomfortable with this method. We also like human contact, but right now, it’s the only way of working that we can sustain, and it also allows us to keep the right prices on our packages. We hope you can understand.

The experiences we offer you are customizable and take time to think through.

We are committed to responding to your written communications as soon as possible and in order of urgency! That’s a promise!

Via XXV Aprile 5, 12040 Corneliano d'Alba (CN)
Curiosities or questions?

Email us! Always reply within 24-48 hours!

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TripAdvisor Certificates

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