Bees, the High Langa, matches worthwhile
honey in the upper Langhe

The High Langa that sweetens your day!

Today I went to discover a wonderful world: The world of bees and their extraordinary product, honey.

At home, when I was a kid, there was a book about the world of bees. Many times I have seen documentaries and even transmissions about these small and hard-working insects. I always knew that they were a species that was organized in a complex way. But today I saw them with completely different eyes.

I saw bees through words, eyes, work, and emotions that Sandra and Agnese, Angela, Massimo and Lorenzo transmitted to me. They told me about the bees with the same love and knowledge that comes from the daily work with “their bees”.


experience honey langhe
experience honey langhe

The Hive, a condominium, an object or a complex organism?

Bees merge into a more complex organism, the Hive. The hive may be believed to be a simple “object”. No! Through Massimo’s account, the hive has become an organism with a brain, a digestive system, a reproductive system and the ability to regenerate and reproduce.

In a light way he told us about Queen Bees who do not command, about bees who during their life follow an educational and working path that leads them to perform all the tasks within this creature called Hive.

We saw them swarming through the woods while the story continued and we followed the drones in their dance for reproduction.

All in a fun and fluid way. With some little gossip to make science enjoyable!


The beehive. Where the bees live. At the end of the path of the blackberries.

With Lorenzo and Massimo we visited the apiary. We saw how they live inside the beehive. He introduced us to the Queen Bee, he pointed out the architectural wonder of the honeycomb.

Agnese and Sandra, two minute, energetic and smiling girls (daughter and mother!) are the queens of the laboratory. They are grappling with machines that allow them to obtain a high quality honey. They no longer have to fight with heavy hives because they are helped by this wonderful machine recently bought and that confirms their trust in their great challenge: To give the Honey of the High Langa due visibility and the honour of not having to compete with honey of dubious origin.


Knowing bees

The great ending. The sweetness of honey that conquers the palate.

Alla fine, la degustazione dei loro straordinari prodotti preparata con amore da Angela: Il miele amarognolo di castagno, il chiaro miele di acacia (pochissimo in questo anno terribile per le api!), il profumato miele di tiglio, la melata ricca di Sali minerali e gusto intenso. Ma poi i derivati, le caramelle balsamiche al miele, le castagne al miele, i biscotti lavanda e miele…  Avete capito che non riuscivo più a smettere di assaggiare?

Ovviamente il formaggio di pecora, la tuma, con un goccio di miele di castagno… mi ha colpito al cuore!

Ed ecco che mi viene in mente che un percorso così è una delle scoperte che la nostra zona può proporre. A chi? Alle famiglie, a chi ama capire cosa mangia, a chi rispetta la natura o, semplicemente, ai “golosi consapevoli”!  E così ho inventato una nuova categoria da coccolare.

Angela, Massimo, Lorenzo, Sandra e Agnese, nelle loro giornate intense sapranno comunicarvi la loro passione per le api e per il miele.

Chiedimi informazioni e potrò costruire per te un viaggio sensoriale nell’alta Langa. Non te ne pentirai!

Tasting honey


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